Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Suddenly thinking about the future......

I literally caught myself searching for: 'What are the best cities to raise an athlete in America?'

As if I will be married and have children any time soon. But, it got me thinking. Be prepared, because I am currently homesick. Where do I see myself in 10 years?

I have goals such as: owning and running my own tennis academy, make-up franchising, being married/having children. But, where do I want those goals to take place?

Tennis in Knoxville obviously isn't the best, but could it be? Do I really want to raise a family away from my own family? Could the make-up industry work in Knoxville? Do I want to stay in a city that is growing faster in population than it can keep up with?

Tennis in New York, not exactly tennis academy material, but the schools here are amazing and the people in East Hampton are lovely. Then, there's the city. My love. Not my life, though.

California? Terrible economy, but great athletics and education systems in the wealthier locations. Beautiful weather and a health-focus society to raise children in. Downside: a vein society to raise children in.

Texas? My home-state's sister state. Meaning, my children could attend university in Tennessee or Texas with the same in-state tuition benefits. Amazing athletics and fairly proper education systems near Austin. Totally consistent amounts of bimbos = downside.

I have always had a love for Georgia, though. And, their tennis is fantastic. Just, please, keep me away from Atlanta.

Strangely, I want to be on the coast--another downside of Knoxville--because I feel like the ocean itself comes with more open minded people. (Can we exclude Daytona, Panama City, and Tampa Florida?)

Oh, and as nasty as Tampa is, and as much as I hate on it, and as much as I hate the heat, the tennis in their near-by town, Bradenton, comes with the ultimate in tennis.

Boca Ritan, Florida: amazing tennis, gorgeous weather, but such a wealthy, stuck-up part of the country.

And, back to Knoxville, my love of South Knoxville and my love of Farragut. My love of my father and the way he can manipulate a tennis ball. My love of the freedom I have by working at Fox Den--the vacations I can take, the benefits I can be offered, the closeness to my family.

I just cannot decide. Maybe, J is the key factor. I need his perspective.

Time to wake him up!


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