It's been over a year since I've even written.
Ups and downs, and A is still destroying my heart most days. New best friends, and old ones, too; they are all still around, but seemingly I am alone most days.
I spend my mornings and evenings with A, and go to work for 10 hours.
Tennis is no longer an option, because I had shoulder/bicep surgery earlier this year.
Oddly enough, I love what I am doing. It's been a roller coaster the last 9 months. Here's a little update:
January 2nd was spent in ATL: Helllllllo 21st birthday! (My pants still have the holes in them to show how rough of a night it was!)
A and I stopped speaking for a little while, and I met J in February...maybe. Yeah, still talking to J every day, lol. Whoopsies.
March 27th, I had major surgery to repair my bicep--it split in half and came off my shoulder. I am iron woman now though, doing like 200 pushups and stuff. Ya know, the usual.
April 7th, I started working as a one-armed "life-stylist" at an Aveda salon. Also in April, A somehow found out where I was working and began showing up and e-mailing me, because I blocked his number.
Early May, yeah, A and I are tangled back up in our screwed up world. A
In May, I got my arm back, kinda.... 6 weeks of shoulder/arm sling hell. A
June, I hit my first tennis ball, damn I'm talented (I'm kidding, but I'm not). A
July, eh, nothing exciting, except for a lot of NYC searching on craigslist.... but I'll get to that later. A
August, I got a pay raise, and trained to be a manager!!!!!! Woooohoooooo!!!! Lot's of A. LOT'S OF A. My grandparents got beat up and put into the hospital, terrible. So beyond terrible. I am speechless about it.
And, to September, we got new makeup at work, and I decided not to speak to A.... as of last night.... when babymama blew my phone up.... well, being the mature lady that I am, not, I laid into her and destroyed her little rose colored glasses.
It doesn't seem rough, but if you only knew all the bullshit with A.
Anyways, to NYC, my bff C and I (we also work together :)) are moving in February to the big apple.
Dreams really do come true.
Sorry for the delayed and honestly, quite terrible entry.
Til next time!