Saturday, September 8, 2012


20-something phone calls and at least 35 text messages later, A has finally calmed down.

I responded to 1 phone call and 2 texts. He is driving me crazy. He is threatening to show up at my house, my work, etc... wanting to know where I am. He can gtfo of my life.

My grandparents got beat up last week by people we have known literally forever, in a one-stoplight town... their hometown, at the church my great-greatgrandfather built. They have been in and out of the hospital for 9 days now. My grandmother is unrecognizable half the time and has a severe concussion. My grandfather, however, has no outer damage, but internally, he is falling to pieces. He has a catheter and is expending blood in his urine. Keep in mind, my grandparents are in their early 60s, and to go from fully functioning people who travel week to week, to people who are helpless has to be so demeaning.

My best friend's father had a heart attack... she is in California on vacation, and I nearly had a breakdown when she told me. Her dad happens to be J's dad, too.

It's been a rough couple of weeks. I'm just trying to see the light.


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