I am looking to the future.
Thank goodness I am a goldfish and can look back on the last few days and laugh. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I know no matter what positive outcomes will happen for me. Thank goodness for the changes I have made.
It felt like I was the only person without a map; I was laughing at everyone who did have one. I honestly was going down every little back/side street I could (along with the main ones of course). There are SO many street vendors, and every one of them sell the same thing. It's kinda like those "wave" stores at the beach, just smaller....

Okay, upper left: WELCOME TO VENICE! Mid-left... some vegetables for sale? Lower-left... all the lovers, it was Valentine's Day. And my favorite picture out of the 150 I have is on the right-hand side... some random dude posing for my picture <3 hahah. Overall, Venice was beautiful. But, it was also the same as every other part of North Italy. Now, I bet in the summer-time it is INCREDIBLE. And, if you think I'm being ridiculous, please, take a Winter trip to N. Italy. It's neither cold nor warm. There is very little rain, and it's constantly sunny--but the sun isnt warm. It's so odd here! Not saying I don't love it here, because I totally do. I just like a bit more variation. Oh! Wish you could see the color of the water in Venice; it is the most peculiar color blue I have ever seen.
It's raining today in Brescia for the first time since I've been here. Hopefully it is washing everything away. Hypothetically and realistically.
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