Good morning glorious SUN-SHINE and open windows! I feel great today. I really do. Scott and I celebrated our 1 year yesterday, and--no jinx--the tension has been lifted off our relationship, a lot. Winter does some nasty things to our brain chemistry, but with a little bit of sunshine and warm air, I can feel the angst lifting off of my shoulders.
My cell phone picture through a 1980's window does no justice to the view I see.
Anyway, April 1st is quickly approaching. Scott and I have decided not to eat out one time during April, and we are trying to diet--Scott diet, I am going to less junk food... again. This time I feel like I can succeed, I feel ready. Maybe that comes from my better mood and the warm air, or maybe it comes from me because tired of failing at goals I set...maybe, it's because I've had enough cheese today to kill someone...and it's only 9 am. I heard a new study of GMA about cheese, and they said it raises women's estrogen levels? Which, in turn, leads to higher risk of breast cancer?! HELLO! Stop eating so much cheese! Duh, Miranda, it's obvious that you shouldn't eat so much. So, here I go, revamping my whole diet. Back to healthy. I so wish to be a vegan again, but I don't think that it would be the best decision at the moment. I don't eat very much meat, at all. The only time I eat meat, it tends to be chicken for one, and it tends to be every couple days. I have the occasional steak, but only when I crave it. I love seafood, but I only eat it every few days. But when it comes to dairy, OH MY. Ice cream, yogurt, milk, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, and cheeses galore! Yum, yum, yum. I'm saying bye, bye to ice cream this month, but I refuse to not eat yogurt. 1) it is amazing for you, 2) I need some calcium, people. I am eating soy yogurt right now, eh. It's alright.
Any way, I'm saying hello to this gorgeous day, and hell yes to the month of April. :) Happiness, I can feel your warmth, already. :)
Love, love.
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